The project included four athletic complexes constructed over two years. D.A. Hogan & Associates was the subconsultant responsible for the site layout, athletic fields, running tracks, and field events. The complexes included:
4 Infilled Synthetic Turf Football/Soccer Fields
4 Additional Infilled Synthetic Turf Soccer Fields
7 Synthetic Turf Baseball or Softball Infields
4 Rubberized Running Tracks and Field Events
8 Sand Based Natural Turf Field Areas
The complexes are summarized as follows:
Southeast Athletic Complex
The Southeast Athletic Complex at Rainier Beach includes a full size infilled synthetic turf football/soccer field surrounded by a rubberized running track. The project also included synthetic turf baseball and softball infields. The baseball and softball outfield areas included sand based natural turf. The site is located over peat and compressible soils requiring detailed geotechnical coordination and modified field sections.
Estimated Cost of Construction: $6,000,000
Construction Award: $5,899,450
Change Order Percentage: 0.22%
Northwest Athletic Complex
The Northwest Athletic Complex at Ingraham includes an infilled synthetic turf field and rubberized running track. The complex also includes an infilled synthetic turf utility field with two soccer fields overlapping baseball and softball outfields on a crushed rock base.
Estimated Cost of Construction: $5,500,000
Construction Award: $5,481,067
Change Order Percentage: 0.68%
Northeast Athletic Complex
The Northeast Athletic Complex at Nathan Hale includes an infilled synthetic turf field and rubberized running track. The complex also includes two infilled synthetic turf soccer fields and a sand based natural turf utility field with a cinder jogging trail.
Estimated Cost of Construction: $6,585,000
Construction Award: $6,347,000
Change Order Percentage: 0.75%
Southwest Athletic Complex
The Southeast Athletic Complex at Sealth includes a full size infilled synthetic turf football/soccer field surrounded by a rubberized running track. The project also included three synthetic turf baseball and softball infields. The baseball and softball outfield areas included sand based natural turf.
Estimated Cost of Construction: $7,856,394
Construction Award: $6,500,423
Change Order Percentage: 6.98%